Decided you’re crazy enough to think Unreal Adventure sounds like a great time and you’d like to be a part of it? In order to participate, you must first apply.
Application Notes
Applying for UA does not automatically mean you are going to be selected. We have a limited number of open spots available and as much as we’d love to bring everyone along, to do so would be an absolute nightmare. In the interest of quality media coverage, we look for variety in the group, so as a result the kinds of vehicles we’re looking for change from year to year. This is also not a democratic process; there’s no public votes or anything like that. The things we consider are the vehicle itself, how it’s equipped, and how experienced you are with four-wheeling. Generally speaking, the more unique and colorful the vehicle is, the better. From there we’ll whittle down to a dozen finalists that we’ll publish on social media. These dozen finalists will be interviewed by phone, and then from there we’ll make our final selections.
Should you be selected, there is no fee to be a part of UA, however, you are entirely responsible for your own expenses at all times. This includes fuel, hotel rooms, food, entry fees to any private off-road parks or special activities, and so on. Your slot gains entry to the event for you as the driver and one co-driver that is over 18 years of age. No pets, children, or additional passengers are allowed.
Want to take the leap? Please fill out the application below as completely as possible, including the 5 minute walkaround video (you could even say doing that puts you gives you an advantage when we’re making our selections…wink, wink). You can access the application form HERE.